Nail Loosener and Ingrown Toenail Treatment

Ingrown toenail is a problem that is usually encountered in hallux and negatively affects the daily life comfort of the person. Ingrown toenails are caused by traumas as well as genetic factors. At the beginning of these, narrow-toed and high-heeled shoes, sports and professions without choosing the appropriate shoes, traumas such as pinching and crushing, improper care and nail cutting, pregnancy and infections that cause foot edema cause the nail to grow inside the tissue by changing the growth direction of the nail. For this reason, it initiates a series of reactions in the cuticle accompanied by infection. The tissue begins to swell, become infected, cause discharge and odor, and predispose to bleeding with an increase in blood vessels. This is quite painful and starts to affect the daily life of the person depending on the degree and stage of the ingrown toenail.

People who are prone to ingrown toenails are informed about first-stage nail care and cutting and nail protection. Nails should be cut at the tissue level and in square form. Appropriate shoe selection and trauma protection recommendations are explained.

Ingrown toenail stage 1. If there is a slight ingrown toenail, the direction of growth of the nail is turned upwards with a cotton applicator applied to the corners of the nail, the ingrown toenail is lifted upwards. The problem is eliminated with simultaneously applied swelling-reducing treatments.

Stage 2. In moderately ingrown toenails, the ingrown toenail is separated from the tissue via medical foot care application. Afterwards, the ingrown toenail is separated from the nail fold with the help of a nail loosener, and ingrown toenail is treated by giving direction to grow upwards. The nail loosener helps the nail to grow by opening it sideways and upwards. Nail loosener application is a painless application. It does not require local anesthesia. The loosener is attached to the nail and does not cause pain in the tissue part. It stays on the nail. While the nail is growing, it gives shape to the nail and nail fold and prevents the nail from being ingrown again. The average recommended treatment period is 2-3 months, but the duration is longer for thick nails.

Nail loosener is an effective treatment option for thick nails that tend to curl inward, called pincher nail.

In the case of ingrown nails, the last stage of nail extraction and if necessary, the nail root in the ingrown toenail part is burned to prevent new nail growth and the recurrence of the ingrown toenail is prevented.

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